Echange High Wycombe

England trip Maillard Daphné

Publié le dimanche 4 mars 2018 14:10 - Mis à jour le dimanche 13 mai 2018 12:56

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    This is a really well-written and detailed account of your time in England. It's great that you included details about what you did each day, what you liked and didn't like about the job, and it was interesting to read about the different cultural experiences you had. It's wonderful that you got to spend time with a British-Indian family, and that you were open to trying the new foods even though you aren't a fan of spice! It's great to hear that you had conversations with your colleagues at Marks and Spencer, it shows that you are prepared to use your English skills in the real world. It is also really good that you have included a section about what you learnt on the trip, as it proves it was all worthwhile! There are some influences from French but it's normal at this stage - perhaps you could revise possessive pronouns. Great work Daphné! - Maggie :)
  • 2017-18